Nier yonah black scrawl
Nier yonah black scrawl

So how are new Replicants produced in a world that has approximately medieval-level technology?


  • How exactly do Replicants get made? They seem to be flesh and blood so they were more likely "grown" like you might a clone, but at some point it is said they are sterile and without android overseers they'll die out.
  • unique nature allowed her to survive petrification.
  • Maybe they've been petrified so long they can no longer be restored, or maybe Kaine's.
  • Even after getting the ability to unpetrify people, Emil never sees fit to fix all those poor statues in his mansion? Why?.
  • In playing cards, before they were called Jacks, they were called Knaves.
  • Ok seriously, is the giant shade that attacks Nier's village at the end of part 1 called Jack or Knave of Hearts? If its the latter, then I think the official game guide needs an update.
  • When he's destroyed (and he doesn't just fade away like other Shades, his death animation is just as unique) then the source of this element is also gone, and with Weiss 'also' gone there's no way for Project Gestalt to return the remaining Shades to their Replicant bodies. The Shadowlord himself is a very unique kind of Gestalt, able to maintain a very close likeness of his human form, and apparently has the power to put Gestalts back in their Replicants all on his own. Sentient Shades like Gretel, Kalil and her mother, Roc, the Shades hiding amongst humans in the Aerie, and possibly Gestalt Yonah herself can't retain said sentience without the specific element produced by Gestalt Nier and harvested from him for 1300 years, so any similar Shades still alive by that point would eventually relapse and become mindless and hostile. It's that 'non-relapsed Gestalts' can't exist.

    nier yonah black scrawl

    The prologue shows Gestalt!Nier (who is the Shadowlord) fighting against the Shades, and there is clearly no "Shadowlord" at that point in the timeline, which clearly shows that they are capable of existing without a leader. The Shades being unable to live without the Shadowlord makes no sense.

    nier yonah black scrawl

    She did seem rather weak in part 2 though - walking a few steps takes quite a lot out of her. Yoko Taro says she still has it, and is doomed to die.Is getting possessed by your Shade the cure for it or something? Where did Yonah's Black Scrawl go? When we finally see her in Part 2, she shows no signs of it, nor is she the worse for wear after apparently having this life-threatening disease for five years.She was probably still there, just out of sight, as she appears in ending D.Where did Yonah go in ending C? After the fight with Kainé begins she just seems to disappear.

    Nier yonah black scrawl